The Top 5 E-commerce Trends For 2022


In 2021, we experienced changes in technology such as AI helping online shops learn more about shoppers and the growing volume of consumers using voice search. The year 2022 will also bring changes so it’s more important than ever to ensure brands stay ahead of competitors by following emerging trends.

We’ve looked at a number of potential trends that brands should consider this year in order to give you some added guidance for your marketing strategy! 

From augmented reality to an omnichannel customer experience, here are our top five trends to consider for your 2022 e-commerce strategy.

Trend 1. Mobile Commerce

Mobile wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay have made it easier for consumers to make purchases directly from their phones.

These are quick, secure and safe ways to shop and we’re expecting to see mobile commerce trends grow into a dominant market force in the coming years.

Mobile devices offer innovative ways to browse and buy online, and consumers are opting for mobile shopping due to its convenience.

With shopping apps such as Amazon’s, devices provide users with the option to purchase products with one click!

According to Ofcom, people in the UK check their mobile phones every 12 minutes daily.

This means that there are 120 different opportunities for a potential customer to interact with your brand every single day.

Mobile transactions were expected to make up to 72.9% of worldwide e-commerce sales by the end of 2021. So it’s very important that your websites or mobile apps are easy for consumers to use. 

Stay ahead of the game and ensure that your consumers get the best possible experience when they interact with your brand on their mobile devices!

Trend 2. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) bridges the gap that is felt by customers between physical stores and online shopping experiences.

Consumers are able to view a product physically via a digital format of high-quality computer-generated images and videos on their mobile devices or other handheld devices. AR benefits consumers hugely because they are able to view a potential product in their own environment.

By 2024, it’s expected that there will be 1.7 billion AR users. This presents the opportunity for more businesses to provide shoppers with this immersive shopping experience. 

Furthermore, according to Statista, the mobile AR market is expected to reach $26 billion by 2025 and will become more accessible to the average person. This means that in both the short and long term we can expect AR to play a significant role in the way companies and customers interact in the digital world.

But what are the benefits of using AR? By giving customers this unique shopping experience, customers will be fascinated and then stay on your website for longer – meaning they’re more likely to consider making a purchase.

One of the key benefits of AR is that it gives online shoppers more information about a product they are considering for purchase, and how it will benefit them. If shoppers are able to virtually see what a product will look like in their own home, it makes it less likely for them to return a product due to a lack of product information.

As part of our innovative product suite, Flix AR empowers brands and retailers around the world to sell more by putting products into the hands of customers and providing them with an exciting and influential part of the buyer’s journey. With no app downloads necessary, Flix AR gives online shoppers a smooth and memorable shopping experience that benefits all parties!

For more information about Flix AR and its product offerings, please click here.

Trend 3. Social Commerce 

Social commerce refers to the transactions that take place on a social media platform such as Instagram or TikTok.

Social media continues to grow and it’s predicted that by 2025 there will be 4.41 billion social media users. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram enable online shoppers to share their purchases with others and to make recommendations.

They also offer consumers the chance to engage in in-app shopping, which makes it easier for them to buy products or services. It’s no surprise that the social commerce market is expected to grow to $1.2 trillion by 2025.

On average, users spend 144 minutes per day on social media platforms, so just imagine what you could do if you could get your product in front of them!

This report from Accenture also states that the highest number of social commerce purchases globally are expected to be in clothing (18% of all social commerce by 2025) and consumer electronics (13% of all social commerce by 2025).

Social commerce should be considered as one part of your digital marketing strategy, and one that should be supported by a solid e-commerce marketing strategy.

Trend 4. Omnichannel Customer Experience 

In this day and age, there is a range of ways for consumers to interact with your brand so you need to make sure that they receive the same experience across all channels.

This is known as an omnichannel customer experience. This is when a business advertises, sells and supports customers across multiple channels, treating each touchpoint as a part of a single step on a buyer’s journey. Most touchpoints are digital; examples include social media, websites and email.

To create this experience, put yourself in the shoes of your shoppers and know exactly what each of the touchpoints would be for them to make a purchase and beyond. Map out the journey and tweak each touchpoint to optimise the shopping experience to increase sales and build special customer relationships. 

Building this omnichannel customer experience is no longer an aspiration for businesses – it’s a necessity!

Trend 5. Video Marketing

Video marketing is an effective tool to use in your e-commerce strategy as regards marketing your products and attracting new customers.

Research has suggested that 84% of consumers were convinced to buy a product after watching a video

Consider the buyer’s journey and pinpoint exactly where consumers will need your informative content on products, for example your homepage, or product-specific pages etc.

For brands that want to create video content, they should consider the most trusted form of online content, which is user-generated. This is original, brand-specific content that is created by customers. 

Brands should also consider creating videos such as tutorials, explainers, and potentially unboxing videos. 

By creating quality content that resonates with customers, you give them the information they need to make a more informed decision.

Flixmedia is trusted by some of the world’s biggest brands and retailers, and we help turn browsers into buyers by enriching customer experiences across retailers.

Whether you’re looking to integrate an immersive AR shopping experience or want to utilise insights to create an informative and engaging shopping journey, get started with our innovative product suite.

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