Flixmedia helps India’s retailers improve cart conversion by 9.4%

With the market value of the e-commerce industry in India estimated to reach $350 billion by 2030, we have been challenged by our partners to find out if rich content is just as effective in India as it is within the rest of the global Flixmedia network.

Working with leading e-commerce retailers in India, particularly within the consumer electronics sector, Flixmedia carried out A:B (on vs off) testing of rich content for various brands and products sold online.

We observed an impressive average uptick in conversion (Add-to-Cart/ATC) of 9.4% when rich content was activated on product pages, further demonstrating that visual and informative product content helps bring product pages to life, giving shoppers the confidence to purchase online. Our recent A:B testing also demonstrated that rich content, delivered via Flixmedia, boosts ATC rates by an average of 9.4%; uplift is delivered consistently across various electronics categories on offer:

Our analysts also discovered that price was a key driver in the overall impact of rich content: rich content was 3 times more effective on products above ₹50,000 ($600). A greater spend online naturally requires greater consideration and persuasion, which rich content can provide; we were astonished at the steeper impact of persuasive rich content on premium products. With premium content as a priority, we trust that brands and retailers will be able to use this insight to continue to serve their top-end products.

Content position in the page was identified as another influence on the ATC uplift: retailers that place Flix content higher in the page enjoy up to double the rate uplift, compared to sites which place the content lower in the page or behind tabs. It is therefore essential that retailers showcase brand content prominently in the page to maximise its impact.

Hear what our valued partners in India say about Flix:

Karan Gupta, Director at Vijay Sales:

“We are delighted to have integrated rich content in-line with our product descriptions. The engaging and informative experience has resonated well with our shoppers, resulting in increased sales and an enhanced browsing journey. Partnering with Flixmedia has proven to be instrumental in elevating our online retail strategy.”

Pradeep Bhansali, Director at MD Computers:

“We are thrilled with the remarkable impact of incorporating rich content through Flixmedia's services. The engaging product experience has resonated exceptionally well with our shoppers, leading to a noticeable surge in sales and an enriched shopping journey. Partnering with Flixmedia has been a key driver in enhancing our online retail success.”

Vikas Hisariya, Director at Vishal Peripherals:

“Including top-notch content on our e-commerce website boosts the overall shopping experience and amplifies engagement and conversions. Thanks to Flixmedia for providing this wonderful rich content service which has proven to drive sales and increase conversion.”

About Flixmedia

Flixmedia is the world’s leading content syndication provider for over 150 global brands, delivering content to our unique network of 1,600+ retailers in over 90 countries worldwide. Over many years of testing the effectiveness of premium brand content, we know with certainty that when brand content appears on a retailer page the shopper is far more informed and engaged, and therefore often buys more. Put simply: our job at Flixmedia is to help turn browsers into buyers.

Flixmedia delivers visually engaging brand experiences at scale

McKinsey research reveals that improving the customer experience increases sales revenues by 2 to 7 per cent and profitability by 1 to 2 per cent. This is a huge opportunity for all retailers. As products evolve and become ever more advanced, product specifications require ever greater detail. Therefore, the demand for providing engaging e-commerce experiences is always increasing.

Flixmedia’s cloud-based content syndication platform operates 24/7 and at a huge scale, supporting millions of product pages globally. It accommodates a plethora of brand styles and layouts whilst also delivering content in a visually compelling way. It provides outstanding results for both our retailers and brand partners…because experience matters!

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