Flix Comparison Tables are now upgraded

Flixmedia’s latest version of Comparison Tables redefines the way that shoppers interact. A significant study has found shoppers to view on average around 23 product pages before making a purchase. Flix Comparison Tables provide high-intent shoppers with greater control to obtain the information needed to make a purchase decision. By enabling shoppers to compare products more easily, we drive more conversions for brands and retailers.

Shoppers can exercise control over the products displayed, and their sort order

Flix Comparison Tables allow shoppers to easily compare their items of interest, and to find the item that best suits their needs. In comparing products, shoppers often eliminate products from their consideration set and want to compare products that are not presented directly next to one another in the table. This requires the shopper to scan information inside a table in order to compare.  

Using buttons available in the header, shoppers can now move products to the left, or remove products from a table, to view the products they’re interested in side by side. By reducing the mental burden for a shopper to compare and consider a set of products, we increase conversions.

Flix Comparison Tables are optimised for all devices

Shoppers can now enjoy easy, clear and intuitive comparison regardless of the device they choose to shop on. Flix Comparison Tables are responsive to shoppers’ screen sizes to display information in a way that can be easily understood, through a legible text size, text not being truncated, and icons supported by our platform to represent products in a visually compelling way.

Get started today and begin your upgraded shopper experience with Flix Comparison Tables. With maximum flexibility in table configuration and faster activation than ever before.

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