The future of a cookieless world with Flixmedia

The future of a cookieless world

A ‘cookieless world’ illustrates the future of cookies as per Google’s announcement that it will stop supporting third-party cookies on its Chrome browser by the end of 2023. As the most widely used browser, Google’s decision will have implications for many websites and marketing campaigns. Furthermore, consumers have become increasingly aware of the number of data companies that are collecting their information; the decision to end third-party cookies comes at a time when many have become concerned about the privacy of their data and are not convinced that companies are using it to create better experiences.

How does a cookieless future impact my website?

Third-party cookies and other tracking technologies were initially designed to anonymously store end-user data. However, access to large datasets allows ad tech providers the opportunity to launch and measure highly targeted ads. A cookieless world will mean website ad data and third-party data processing will decline in extent, availability, quantity and quality.

How will a cookieless future impact Flixmedia’s platform?  

In preparation for a ‘cookieless world’, Flixmedia has upgraded its platform to operate without the need for third-party cookies. Since May 2022, users who have switched off cookies as part of their browser security settings, or browse via the web in private mode, will continue to receive usual Flixmedia content syndication services on retailer product pages.

Shopper activity logging isolated from content delivery

Flixmedia’s platform upgrade also includes changes to enable consent-driven shopper activity tracking, as outlined in the diagram below. This upgrade isolates the tracking of shopper activity from Flixmedia’s content delivery. This allows Flixmedia to capture shopper consent and apply it to a shopper activity logging framework. The shopper activity logging integration is offered to retailers who wish to use an API Server content delivery method, as opposed to content syndication via Flixmedia’s JS code.

Consent-driven shopper activity tracking flow

Flixmedia’s platform upgrade ensures that your product pages are compliant, and empowers shoppers to control their data while protecting revenue and consent rates. The process of enabling consent-driven shopper activity tracking (outlined in the diagram above) will be enforced in the future.

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