Flix A/B Testing platform is now upgraded

Here at Flixmedia, we are constantly working on ways to improve our products in order to provide the best value to our clients. With the power of content syndication, it is important to monitor changes being made to your content, to ensure maximum effectiveness is being achieved. That is why our latest version of Flix A/B Testing has been upgraded to provide accurate data on the value of content syndication. The outcome? Data-driven recommendations and an uplift in conversions.

Measure the impact of your content

Many companies continue to rely on trial and error to measure the impact of change, with only 60% of businesses using A/B testing on their landing pages. However, research has found that 10.3% of A/B tests to have a definitive and positive impact on conversions, after measuring the impact of changes made on content.

Provide shoppers with conversion-boosting rich content

Our upgraded Flix A/B Testing platform enables you to make a significant impact at the purchasing stage of the customer shopper journey. With conversion-boosting rich content, you’re now able to trial new iterations of content and design at the point of purchase on retailers’ PDPs. Flix A/B Testing also provides a range of testing options based on the scale of testing required, to help identify the best outcome for your content.

Get shopper data and insights

Measure the performance of your content. With shopper data and insights, quantify the impact of your brand-rich media content on shoppers’ Add-to-Cart rates. And with proven return on investment, optimise your content for boosted conversions.  

Flixmedia’s latest version of A/B testing provides accurate data on the value of your content, to ensure your product pages are optimised for increased conversions. Get started with Flix A/B Testing today.

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